Archive | June, 2013

Hot dog

30 Jun

No, we’re not talking about a sausage sitting in between buns. We’re actually referring to a dog that felt really HOT because of 80+ degrees in Seattle.

The weather was so hot that Boo didn’t even wanna take a walk this weekend. Yesterday, Boo took a walk for about 30 minutes, and then decided to lay down on grass that he found on the sidewalk! We encouraged him to continue walking but he seemed to be super tired, so I carried him on the way back home. Similar thing happened today at Magnuson Park.

Even though the weather was really hot, we all still had lots of fun as usual 🙂 We did some training (Leave it, Stay, etc) and Boo did some ball fetching, his favorite activity.

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Some offsite training

Some training today

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Too tired to walk…

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This weather is too hot!! Let’s stay in the shade for a bit

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Normally Boo doesn’t like to be picked up, but in this case, he’s more than willing to be carried back to the car!

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Back home with mama Aim!

Mr. Fan.. You're the best

Mr. Fan.. You’re the best

New trick in progress

23 Jun

Boo has just started to learn the newest trick, which is balancing himself on a rubber disc. Eventually, this will be a good exercise for him.

Our final goal is to have him standing with 4 legs on the disc. So far, he is able to stand with 3 legs on it.

Towards the end of the video, Boo offered a couple of unexpected behavior, like sitting on the ball and hi-five.

More videos to come 🙂


19 Jun

After 2 years of studying and working fulltime, finally I graduated! That means Boo will even have more time to dog parks and do fun stuff with us 😀

Of course, Boo didn’t miss a chance to join graduation ceremony at Communication department at UW. It was a nice and sunny day. Aim told me that Boo was nervous during the ceremony (maybe because of the amount of people there). However, at the end of the ceremony, people came to pet him and that made him felt happier 🙂

My whole gang

My whole gang

My friend Jill and her dog Roxy. They're both on the stage :)

My friend Jill and her dog Roxy. They’re both on the stage 🙂




My pack!

My pack!

Boo and his mama

Boo and his mama

enjoy petting activity

enjoy petting activity

Boo just finished big kisses to my teacher

Boo just finished big kisses to my teacher

Happy boy

Happy boy

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